Stone Face Blog / Stone Face Vloggers
Being the musings of Your Obedient Servant, Great Stone Face, moose enthusiast.
About Me
- Name: Great Stone Face
- Location: Northern Virginia, United States
I'm interested in humor contests, the Washington Redskins, the Boston Red Sox, the Washington Nationals, University of New Hampshire hockey and football, and Ohio State University football and hockey -- and, of course, moose.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Been Away
We went away for the few days to visit our oldest son in Austin. It's a lovely city. We spent much of the time shopping for a sofa and eating Tex-Mex food.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Monday, January 09, 2006
Friday, January 06, 2006
New Phone

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
2006 - Year In Review
2006 so far has been fine. Sunday, on friends' 64" TV, we watched the 'Skins beat the Eagles to get into the playoffs. Monday, at home, we enjoyed watching Ohio State beat Notre Dame on TV, and both teams played pretty exciting football. During halftime, we boxed up the Hanukkah Train for 5766. The Stone Face offspring who came home for Winter Break are back at schools. Mr. & Mrs. Great Stone Face have returned to work. We're looking forward to the Washington Redskins playing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the first round of the NFL playoffs this coming Saturday. Last night, we had BBQ chicken quesadillas for dinner. Tonight, we get Lebanese carryout. That's 2006 the Year In Review.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Eighth Night of Hanukkah Train
The little Hanukkah train makes its final voyage around the menorah for 5766 as we celebrate the 8th night of of the Festival of Lights. Click here to see it.