Stone Face Blog / Stone Face Vloggers

Being the musings of Your Obedient Servant, Great Stone Face, moose enthusiast.

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Location: Northern Virginia, United States

I'm interested in humor contests, the Washington Redskins, the Boston Red Sox, the Washington Nationals, University of New Hampshire hockey and football, and Ohio State University football and hockey -- and, of course, moose.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fortify That Breakfast!

We had takeout Japanese food last night. What to do with the leftover rice and miso soup? In Japan, they often have these for breakfast with some fish. No fish in the house, so I popped in a beaten egg and made the soup into an egg drop miso soup. I jazzed up the rice with furikake topping. Can't forget dairy and fruit, which explains the blueberries topped with Greek yogurt (and mountain honey). Coffee is a must.

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

What'd You Have For Breakfast?

I had an oeuf en cocotte with za'atar and tomato paste, accompanied by onion rye toast soldiers. My side was Greek yogurt with blueberries. Coffee, of course, to drink.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Week's Difference

This is where I was last week.

This is where I am now.

Metaphysically and physically, why am I here?

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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Super Bowl Chili

My recipe for chili usually is a recipe for Kentucky pool hall chili buns that I read in Esquire magazine many years ago. See below.

My friends like this looser no-beans less-tomatoey chili. For tomorrow's Super Bowl party at Harry and Barbara's house, I decided to shake it up a bit. I made a similar chili recipe from Hilah Cooking. Hilah's recipe is intended usually to be a topping for chili dogs. I thickened it up a bit by using a coarse ground beef, instead of a fine-grind hamburger ground beef.

Here it is cooking.

The Super Bowl is tomorrow, so I iced the chili down. It'll sit, covered, in the refrigerator overnight, letting the flavors mingle. Tomorrow, we'll heat the chili in the slow cooker and bring it over to Harry and Barbara's house with some chopped onion, grated Mexican cheese, and a jar of pickled jalapeño slices. Here it is cooked and chilling.

Enjoy the game!

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